Fire Blanket Testing

Why Professional Fire Blanket Inspections Are Vital in Emergency Response Planning

2023-12-14T03:19:43+00:00December 6th, 2023|Categories: Fire Blanket Testing|

In the realm of workplace safety, fire emergencies pose significant risks, making meticulous planning and regular equipment inspections crucial. One often overlooked yet vital component [...]

Why Fire Blanket Inspection is A Must for Every Business Establishment

2023-10-10T00:01:32+00:00August 10th, 2023|Categories: Fire Blanket Testing|

Why Fire Blanket Inspection is A Must for Every Business Establishment Fire safety is a paramount concern for every business establishment in New Zealand. While [...]

Can you reuse a fire blanket? It’s a burning question.

2023-06-08T05:44:08+00:00January 13th, 2021|Categories: Fire Blanket Testing, Jims Fire Safety NZ|

A fire blanket is a vital tool in extinguishing a fire by cutting off the oxygen supply. These specially designed and manufactured blankets can be used to completely smother small fires. There are three key questions to answer when it comes to fire blanket

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