Jims Fire Safety NZ

Jim’s Fire Safety NZ – Your 100% Kiwi owned and operated business partner

2023-06-08T05:01:21+00:00June 15th, 2021|Categories: Jims Fire Safety NZ|

What’s it like dealing with a true Kiwi business? Do they know your concerns better than anyone else? Do they have your interests at the [...]

It’s important to know how RCD Test Tags are for your safety

2023-06-08T05:45:36+00:00January 21st, 2021|Categories: Jims Fire Safety NZ|

It’s important to know how RCD Test Tags are for your safety An RCD (or residual current device) is a safety device that quickly breaks the electrical circuit to help prevent electric shock. You need to know your RCD is working effectively and that’s where RCD Test Tags come into place.

Can you reuse a fire blanket? It’s a burning question.

2023-06-08T05:44:08+00:00January 13th, 2021|Categories: Fire Blanket Testing, Jims Fire Safety NZ|

A fire blanket is a vital tool in extinguishing a fire by cutting off the oxygen supply. These specially designed and manufactured blankets can be used to completely smother small fires. There are three key questions to answer when it comes to fire blanket

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